Wednesday 4/8/2020
Saturday, September 26, 2020 Laboratories and Facilities of the Fisheries Department
1. Botanical Laboratory
During 13 sessions, students perform the following activities in this laboratory:
Observation of various tissues, observation of primary root and stem structures, leaves and flowers, the posterior structure of roots and stems, measurement of osmotic pressure, observation of torque and plasmolysis, measurement of transpiration and carbon sequestration, measurement of respiration intensity, and plant culture of the phenomena like geotropism, phototropism and so on.
2. Zoological Laboratory
Students perform the following experiments in 13 sessions:
Cultivation and staining of protozoa and their observation under a microscope as well as observation of blood protozoan parasites, observing samples of flatworm, tube worm and ringworm in terms of appearance and internal organs, observing and examining shrimp and locusts, mollusks and getting acquainted with their various organs, vivisection of fish, pigeons and rabbits as well as several amphibians and reptiles.
3. General Fisheries Laboratory
Students learn about Fish morphology (round to salmon with emphasis on Iranian fish), fish biometrics, the structure of scales and its types and methods of determining age in fish, fish skeleton (skull, visceral skeleton, skin, and spine and fins), the structure of muscles, gills and heart of fish, internal fish system (salmon and carp), nervous system and sensory organs – Behavior, determining the sex of fish, and preparing fish skeletons during 13 sessions.
4. Aquatic Physiology Laboratory (Animal)
In this laboratory, during 12 sessions, different tissues are introduced to the students. They examine slides prepared from different organs of vertebrates and compare them, and determine their blood type and RH during sampling of their blood. They also get acquainted with the method of tissue preparation, including tissue dehydration, paraffin molding, microtome cutting, and staining.
5. Hydrochemical Laboratory
In this laboratory, students measure the following parameters in the laboratory and, if possible, in the field:
Principles and methods of sampling of standing and running water, temporary and permanent hardness measurement, soluble oxygen, alkalinity, pH, ammonium and ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, organic matter, electrical conductivity, salinity, soluble carbon dioxide, carbonate and bicarbonate, and measuring the amount of hydrogen sulfide.
6. Hydrobiology Laboratory
In this laboratory, during 10 sessions, water column sampling methods are introduced to the students with the help of special sampling equipment, phyto and zooplankton by plankton net from natural environments and fish ponds are introduced. The students also learn the methods of isolation, fixation, long-term storage, identification of zooplankton, especially Cladosaurs and Cyclops by sex and species, and how to calculate their biomass.
7. Aquatic Nutrition Principles Laboratory
Students get familiar with sampling the food and rations made as well as their chemical analysis, (such as measuring moisture, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrates, nitrogen-free extract, free nitrogen and nutrient table preparation) in 12 sessions. Proper storage and storage of food and aquatic feed is another subject taught in this laboratory. In addition, during the planned visits to aquaculture farms and aquaculture factories, they get acquainted with practical methods of calculating the required daily food and aquaculture nutrition and how to produce a variety of aquatic feed.
8. Laboratory of Cold Water Breeding
In this laboratory, students will get acquainted with the species of farmed Iranian cold-water fish and breeding method and its conditions, required water quality, type of nutrition and feeding method, determining the amount of food and calculating the conversion factor and numbering. In addition, in order to learn the stages of embryonic development, they prepare rye-colored trout eggs from reproduction centers and in the incubation system designed in the relevant laboratory, they get acquainted with how to keep them until they become young juveniles. During this period, students examine the growth stages of these larvae with intermittent sampling. For practical learning of artificial reproduction and how to extract colored salmon eggs, a suitable scientific visit to the reproduction centers of this fish is considered for students.
9. Systematic Fisheries Laboratory
In this laboratory, which consists of 13 sessions, students examine a set of fish kept in alcohol in each session based on a systematic classification. The goal is to observe and examine the fish in terms of overall shape, fin shape, mouth shape, and other organs and characteristics that help us identify different groups. So that students can identify the family group of a fish by examining its characteristics at the end of the course.
10. Aquatic Breeding Laboratory
The course consists of two parts: 1. Laboratory 2. Visiting breeding centers
In the laboratory, students are introduced to the following items in 8 sessions: morphology of adult shrimp, recognizing the different stages of the life cycle of shrimp, physiology, detection of males and females, method of diagnosis of freshwater shrimp (macrobranchium) saltwater shrimp (banana, Indian and tiger), freshwater crab and the Persian Gulf king prawn (lobster). In their visits, they also visit shrimp and mollusk breeding centers, live food production, and shrimp and mollusk farms. In addition, the identification of different types of oysters and their different stages of life and how to measure them will be taught.
11. Limnology Laboratory
This laboratory consists of two parts of field operations and laboratory activities. In field operations, besides being taught how to select sampling stations and record the necessary information from each station, students will sample from different aquatic habitats and different stations. And they get to know benthic animals in static water (nonmoving water) and running water. (Sampling includes water samples to check physicochemical properties and benthic samples).
In field operations, laboratory activities in this area include:
1- Separating, fixing, identifying the collected samples
2- Qualitative comparison of stations in terms of benthic animals
3- Quantitative comparison of sampling stations during which wet and dry biomass of benthos, density, frequency of each identified group, species richness, and other demographic studies
In this section, while getting acquainted with how to separate and fix the specimens in each session, a number of invertebrate families of running and static water are systematically examined and they also get acquainted with the principles of using identification keys. So that at the end of the course, by observing a sample of aquatic invertebrates, they can identify which family and genus it belongs to.
12. Aquatic Diet Formulation Laboratory
In this laboratory, students are acquainted with different foods, their origin and nutrient content, and using this information, they are taught how to adjust balanced diets in accordance with the principles of diet writing (formulation). Diet writing methods will include a variety of manual and computational methods and the use of diet writing software. To learn more, students practically write diets according to the nutritional needs of our colorful trout and prepare the plate using the prepared food and the pellet machine. Students also visit a fish feed production factory.
13. Hydrothermal Fish Breeding Laboratory
In this laboratory, students will get acquainted with different types of farmed hydrothermal fish in Iran and breeding conditions, required water quality, type of nutrition and how to feed them. In addition, in order to learn the method of artificial reproduction of these fish, they practically reproduce goldfish, which is biotechnically similar to hydrothermal farmed fish. Embryonic developmental stages are performed by microscopic studies on the produced eggs until they reach the larvae, and students learn these stages. In order to better acquaint students with how to reproduce and incubate hydrothermal fish eggs, they make a scientific visit to hydroponic fish breeding centers for a few days.
14. Ornamental Fish Breeding Laboratory
In this laboratory, the following are introduced: design and construction of an aquarium, identifying the equipment needed to establish an aquarium, preparing light, heat, ventilation, etc. for the aquarium, decorating the aquarium, preparing food for ornamental fish, and identifying a number of plants, low animals, and ornamental fish used in aquariums.
15. Laboratory of Fish Diseases and Parasites
The operation of this course consists of two parts: 1. laboratory operations, 2. visiting the workshops of fish farms in the laboratory. During 10 sessions, students get acquainted with vivisection of cold-water and warm-water fish with emphasis on diseases - isolation of protozoan parasites, Monogenes, Diogenes, Cestoda, Acanthocephala and Trematodes from different parts of the fish, as well as methods of fixing, identifying them, and culturing bacteria and antibiograms, and the diagnosis of gram-positive and gram-negative. During the visit to the workshops and farms, which include the cold-water and warm-water sections, students are introduced to the critical points of the workshops in terms of the possibility of disease outbreaks and ways of parasites infiltration.