Wednesday 4/8/2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020 Cultural and Social Planning Management
Today, in addition to educational and research tasks, the university has under taken new tasks in the field of culture and society at the global level, including the role of culturalization and society. In other words, although the university strives to produce knowledge and train professionals and strives for their future employment in the community, students must have internal norms, values and beliefs that are appropriate to the future job environment and society. And these behaviors and norms are not something that can be realized exclusively in formal classes. Considering the aforementioned functions and the special place of the university in the development and progress of the country and considering the importance of culture and the undeniable role of cultural and extracurricular activities as informal trainings in attracting talents, prosperity of capabilities and increase of useful experiences of academics, job creation, entrepreneurship and production, the importance and position of the General Directorate of Cultural Affairs and extracurricular activities in directing and organizing cultural activities becomes more and more apparent.